Final Election Results

San Mateo County has posted the final election results, and Measure W was defeated by a more than a 2-to-1 margin.

The actual vote totals were NO 13,194 (68.86%) to YES 5,966 (31.14%). This was a more decisive defeat than Measure E in 2000, which lost 66.2% to 33.8%. And there were more than 1,700 fewer votes in favor of Measure W in 2016 than for Measure L in 2006 (7,180).

The turnout in the election was quite high with 20,389 ballots cast out of 24,482 registered voters (83.28%).

Thanks to all the people who supported the campaign against Measure W, and the more than 13,000 Pacifica residents who came out on election day to vote No on W.

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